Aug 11, 2014

The Little Mermaid

Last week Emma got to be in a summer theater camp through G.R.E.A.T Theater in St. Cloud.  The camp is Monday-Friday from 9-4 and then on Friday they have their performance at 3:00.  It is AMAZING to see how much these kids learn in a week, and how confident they are!

This year she performed in "The Little Mermaid Jr" and was Attina, one of Ariel's sister's.  She didn't have much of a speaking part, but sang in 4 songs and had short solo pieces for each.

She did SO good!  I was amazed at how well she sings...I mean, I know she can sing, but she nailed her parts!  She is thinking she might want to do a main stage play, we'll have to see as that is quite the time commitment...

This was her crew, and she has already said how much she misses all her friends!

Good job Emma, we are all SO proud of you!

1 comment:

  1. My daughter is in a community Theatre group here too. They are doing Peter Pan this year.


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