Aug 20, 2014

Running Group

Since I began running a few years ago, I've always wanted people to run with.  I was a new runner, not overly motivated and I figured having a person to run with could whoop my arse when I wanted to quit.  Sometimes I had good efforts to run, but often times the beer won...My girlfriend had been a runner for a few years before I got started, so it was nice to go running with her a few times.  However, now she has had to quit because of bad  I had been wanting to get a group of runners together to meet once or twice a week to run and socialize.

While working a golf tournament a few months back, Brad's cousin and I were working together and she mentioned starting a running group!  I was thrilled.  Although I wondered if the beer was talking at first...but the next day she sent me a text and we went to work!  Kristi came up with the name "St. Joe 5k Anyway", people could walk, run or bike.  I created a group on Facebook and invited everyone and their dog.


Our first night we had 14 people, Kristi mapped a route and off we went!  There was about 5 of us that ran, and the rest walked.  Afterwards we went to our local watering hole The LaPlayette and enjoyed a nice cold beer.


Since then we've had up to 16 people come, and even had a family night at our local park where the kids could either walk/run with us or play on the playground.  I have thoroughly enjoyed this crew, and love how many new people I have met!

Not sure how long we'll continue, with winter looming in the distance, but I'm so happy (and proud) with how this has turned out!


I would love to hear from you, leave a comment!!