Jul 15, 2014

South Dakota Vacation-Day 3

Tuesday morning I got up early and was itching for a run.  However, I am not one who feels comfortable running in places I'm not familiar with.  The road we were on was super curvvy and had no shoulder. 

We had a side hill on our property and I decided to run up and down that hill.  It was quite the workout!  I'm sure I looke like a damn fool, but it felt so good to work up a sweat...


This is the front of our rental, it was such a cute little cabin about 5 minutes from town.  We were surrounded by pine trees, I LOVE that sound!  There was a really neat old cabin right next to us and I was dying to go explore.  However there was a no trespassing sign and my family saiid they'd disown me if I tried....bummer.

Mom and mousie selfie before heading out for the day.

Love this picture of us, and love this man!

We went to Mt. Rushmore, which was incredible.  The weather was absolutely gorgeous!  We watched a 15 minute movie about how it was made, it is unbelievable how anyone, especially that long ago, could create this.  We also got to see one of the guys who originally worked on Mt. Rushmore, he was a driller.  Pretty cool!

Christmas card pic! You can tell which pics were taken with Brad's camera, and which ones were with mine, haha!

We got back to the house, made supper and decided to drive the road that our cabin was on to see how many deer we could find.  Holy cats do they have deer out there... I think we counted about 50 on our 30 minute drive!

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