Jun 22, 2014

My Running Partner

I'm excited to have a running buddy this summer!  Rachel has decided to take up running with me and I am loving it!  We run my normal route which is about 2.5 miles with lots of inclines.  She's doing so good, and I love the chats we get to have, especially the ones about health and nutrition.  She is wanting to lose some weight and get into better shape, and I want her to be smart about it and do it the right way.

We decided to have a summer mileage challenge.  We're keeping track of how many miles we run or walk and whoever has the most at the end of summer wins.  If I wins she has to clean house and do laundry for a week, if she wins, I take her on a shopping trip.  

Last week that little shit logged 10 miles!  Although today I ran 7.25 and the week has just begun, haha!!  Although I might have to giver her a break, she has been on the couch most of the day today with a fever and sore throat...

1 comment:

  1. That is great babe! You guys can hold each other accountable and stay on track. Das my GIRL!


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