Feb 26, 2014

Meal Prep!

I've shared before how I like to have a meal plan for every week.  If I don't have meals prepped, we're more likely to eat out.  I'm not against eating out, sometimes we eat out once a week, depends on our (aka, the girls') schedules.


I used to use my Sunday afternoons to browse cookbooks. magazines and cooking blogs to make my meal plans for the week.  I loooooved my Sunday afternoons!  Now we have volleyball most weekends, so I make the time to do a monthly meal plan.  
Right now I have Fridays off, so when I am not running errands and kids to their appointments, I will meal prep.  I like to get at least a couple full meals made up and put in the freezer, brown up a few pounds of hamburger, grill chicken. make meatballs and chop up veggies. Weeknight meals are WAY easier when you have the main things prepped.

I also make my lunches for the week.  I don't mind eating the same things everyday, I truly don't get bored.  I have a mixed green salad with carrots, sugar snap peas and grilled chicken.  A side of fruit and veggies and some hummus rounds out my lunch.

This is what works for me, I love knowing whats on the menu everyday!

Linking up with Wendy at A Daily Dose of Del Signore


  1. I live by that quote on planning! I love your food prep, you do a great job, especially for doing it a with a family. Keep on, you're doing such a great job. It's a double win - healthier and saves money. It doesn't get better.

  2. I make out a meal plan for each week too. So much easier that way. Your lunches look delicious! I could eat hummus every single day. :)

  3. Thanks ladies! It's much easier to eat well when it's all ready to go:)

  4. Oh my, you look like the champion of meal planning!

    I am getting the hang of planning out the meals but I would really like to do the meal prep over the weekend like you mentioned. Meal planning has helped me so much with our grocery list and budgeting!

    Amy @ http://livinglifetruth.blogspot.com/


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