Sep 13, 2012

Girls Day Out!

Typically the night before school we have a "spa night" at home.  I let them take a bath in our big whirlpool tub and we do facials, pedicures and manicures.  I usually make mini sandwiches and they get to drink kiddy cocktails.  This year I thought it would be fun to go out to the lake and have a girls day/night.  We went to the beach and played for awhile, then went back to the camper for manis and pedis.

And no, I didn't have one child missing during these beach scenes.  *sigh*  I have now been instructed to not post any swimsuit pics of Rachel.  Oh the joys of having a 6th grader!

After we were done with our fun drinks and chocolate covered strawberries, dad surprised us by coming out and grilling steaks with twice stuffed potatoes and corn on the cob!  We ended the night with a campfire.  It was a gorgeous night!

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