Jan 4, 2012

Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a wonderful New Year, we sure did! We spent it at some of our closest friends who just built a skating rink in their back yard. The kids (and dads) had a blast skating until 1 am, while the girls kept watch over the good food everyone brought.

I don't have much for resolutions this year, usually one of my biggest ones is to get into shape. I don't need to lose weight, but have really been wanting to get fit. Back in October two of my best girls and I decided to motivate each other to exercise. We email every other day or so and pump each other up. I am happy to say that I have been working out 5 days a week since then. I invested in some workout videos from Beachbody.com called Turbo Jam. I L.O.V.E her videos! I have two sets of videos and do them daily. I also include lots of weight training. The hubs and I have signed up for the Warrior Dash which is in June of this year, and it's an uphill 5K with obstacle course. Yikes. Another reason to whip this bod into shape!

I have also really paid attention to my eating habits. I wouldn't say I am a bad eater, but I eat ALOT. It's taken some getting used to, but I am really feeling that groove thing going on right now. Hopefully it lasts...

So, in honor of my getting fit, here is a super yummy dip that is NOT very healthy:) I doubled the recipe and brought it to New Years Eve, it was gone in about an hour!

Sausage Dip

1 package of Jimmy Dean Sausage (hot flavor)
1 can Rotel tomatoes
1 chopped onion
1 chopped green pepper (I did half green, half red)
1 package cream cheese
1 8 oz. container of sour cream.

Fry up your sausage, and add rest of ingredients either in a saucepan or a mini crockpot.

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