Jan 25, 2012

Crockpot Yogurt

This was my first try at making homemade yogurt, and I fully expected to wake up to some milky slop called yogurt. Boy was I surprised! This made the BEST yogurt, and was so easy to make that I am going to put Rachel (my 10 year old) in charge of making this weekly. The recipe I used was from the blog Mom on a Mission. I love her blog and have made many of her freezer meals.

The only changes I made was that I used 2% milk instead of whole, and added a box of vanilla instant yogurt as a thickener. It was still pretty thin this morning, but I know it will thicken up in the fridge. I had some alone ( as in no fruit, not that I was sitting in a closet alone eating yogurt!) and was very surprised at how tasty it was. I plan on using this in our green smoothies instead of grocery store yogurt.

1 comment:

  1. way to go cara! what a coincidence, because it was just last wednesday or thursday that i read the recipe for making yogurt in a crock pot(on a forum I visit) and was contemplating giving it a try! we just don't eat it that often, so it's not a big priority.


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