Jan 13, 2012


I figured I should make a post about the funny things that Alayna says because I will forget them like I have with the other two. Sorry girls, I do love you to pieces...

Alayna has always been our most "spirited" child of the three. The energy that comes out of this tiny 5 year old 35 pound frame is incredible! She keeps us all on our toes and makes us laugh all.the.time. This morning she was eating a toasted bagel that got cold and asked if we could "hot it up", man did we laugh! her favorite meal is "hangabers" (hamburgers) or "homelets". The funny thing with kids is even when they start saying the words right, you find yourself correcting them with the wrong words because you hate seeing that part of them grow up:) She is our little firecracker and we love hearing what funny things she will come up with next!

1 comment:

  1. That is so cute. When my grandson was small he said paskhetti for spaghetti,Yuppa for supper, yoop for soup. We still say those words to each other. They are so sweet when they have their own language. Enjoy and thanks for sharing.


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