Nov 5, 2011

30 Days of Thanksgiving

Today I am thankful for these beauties......

I will never know how I got so lucky to have these three, but I thank God everyday for them. I always wanted a sister growing up (instead I got a stinky, bossy brother, haha!), so I am SO happy to see what kind of relationship they will have.

I never knew how completely different personalities each child can have. Rachel is my very grown up, pet loving, responsible, considerate and outspoken 10 year old. She is a lot like I was as a child. I am so proud of how she is with the elderly...When both of my Grandmothers were in nursing homes, Rachel was so comfortable being there. She would always want to help out, if they needed anything. In school she reads to a young girl who is wheelchair bound, and not very responsive. Twice a week she reads to Dani, I love the fact that she is so comfortable in those situations.

Emma is my little drama queen. Literally. She wants to act in plays, and sing. And can she ever sing! She is auditioning for a solo in their music program, can't wait to hear if she got it! And the girl reads, all.the.time. She typically reads for about 2 hours everyday. She is a very creative girl, loves to create things. She is a very sensitive, loving, easy going girl. But she can also get her valley girl on like no one else I know!!

Alayna has more energy than anyone I know. She is a bear cat to get up in the mornings for school, but then doesn't stop running until she goes to bed! She is absolutely our family clown. She will do anything to get you to laugh, although sometimes that gets her in trouble! She loves to color/craft and has absolutely no time for TV or for sitting reading books.

I am so blessed to have my girls, the fun girly things we get to do make me one HAPPY mom!

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