Jan 20, 2011

On the Mend....

Ok, ok, so this wasn't taken today. It was actually taken on Christmas day. My three beauties healthy. I am hoping that we are all done with this fever nonsense. They both stayed home Tuesday and Wednesday, Emma was perfectly fine yesterday, and Rachel was "better". By about 3:00, she was feeling punky again. By evening her temp spiked again. After a good nights rest, she felt good enough to go to school. I am hoping she had a good day. That girl is SUCH a trooper!

I want to add a few prayer requests...

I have posted before about my friend Annie over at
The House That Jade Built they are excitedly awaiting the arrival of their sweet baby girl Ollie who has some health conditions that will need to be dealt with. Check out her blog, and send up some sweet prayers for their family!

I found this blog through another blog, it's called The Simple Wife. 38 year old Joanne suffered a stroke last week, and her husband is blogging updates about her. They have two beautiful daughters that had to start private school after being home schooled. Please keep their entire family in your prayers!

Amy over at New Nostalgia is battling breast cancer. Please pray for her and her family, and that the cancer will stop growing and the medicines will work.

And of course, pray for my peanuts that we will get rid of this crud!

1 comment:

  1. Cara,
    What a gift you have given me, to ask for prayer on my behalf. Thank you.


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