May 3, 2010

Alayna's Four!!

This is our last birthday for the year, my baby turned four yesterday! I can't believe it's been four years already, she has grown up so much and given me gray hair, all at the same time. She wanted a Tinkerbell cake, which was a lot of fun to make! She got her very own big girl bike, which she looooooooves! Now, I am not one for character toys, but, I totally love this Barbie bike. It even has a mini bike attached to the handle bars for her Barbie!!! Too fun.
I love this pic of her trying to put up four fingers, she keeps wanting to put up three:)

From her aunt and uncle and cousins, she got a kite which her and Daddy had lots of fun flying!

It was a fun day, as it's always so fun to have a special day for the kids!!
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  1. Oh my gosh!!! You did a GREAT job on that cake!! Especially for only the send time with fondant! you go girl!


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