Apr 18, 2010

Weekend Treasures

We had a gorgeous weekend full of sun and fun! It was so nice to hang out at home with NO (and I mean no) plans. I will enjoy these as they come, because as soon as summer hits, it seems to be non stop on the weekends. Not that I'm complaining, mind you.

On Saturday, Rachel and I went to the Grande Depot which is a home decor/gourmet foods type of place. It's the kind of place that when you open the doors, you hear the angels singing. Until you realize it's just Muzak piped outside. Oh well. So Rachel and I head in, looking for nothing in particular, but have some birthday money to spend. Yippee!! I found this spice rack in the clearance section for $16. It was a light oak color that I promptly spray painted black and distressed the edges. I love it when your daughter sees something she likes and then exclaims how she can just spray paint it different! I also found the spice bottles for $2 a piece. And no, I won't leave them this way, silly! I plan on wrapping them with ribbon and creating tags for them. I needed something for my dining room table, but didn't want anything big. I had a vase ($1.75 at Crafts Direct) on hand that I hot glued some ribbon and paper flowers on, and added rock from the side of our house and fake flowers that I got on clearance. I love how this turned out, especially since I am soooooo not ok with fake flowers. Don't know why, I have just never gotten into them.
We also finally bought curtains for our patio door, it is amazing how much it completes a room! I have more pics to post (soon to come), a couple other things I bought, and an amazing sign that I got from my Mom for my birthday.
Linking up to:


  1. good job, i love me some awesome finds! Come link up at http://iheartnaptime.blogspot.com/2010/04/sundae-scoop-2-link-party.html

  2. Love the spice rack. Must be flowers in the air. I did some this weekend too.

  3. That spice rack was a great find and love the way you redid it to fit your style. Don't you just love shopping your home and finding good stuff to make cute stuff like your vase? I'm so glad you came by to link and party at Woo Hoo! Wednesday!

  4. The most idealistic, most practical and organize place you have their. Spice rack really is a great tool in making one's place more hip and categorize accordingly.


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