Apr 11, 2010

Sunbutter Pancakes

Every Tuesday morning is pancake morning for breakfast (remember I do daycare and must.have.schedules.), so I am always on the lookout for new pancake recipes. I found this one on (ta-da!) allrecipes.com. These pancakes go down on my list of fave cakes. They are light, fluffy and the kind that melt-in-your-mouth.

These were supposed to be peanut butter, but being that we have a nut allergy in the family, I improvised with sunbutter. We give these two thumbs up!

Sunbutter Pancakes

1 C. flour
2 Tbl. sugar
1 1/2 Tbl. baking powder
1 large egg
1/3 C. sunbutter
1 C. milk
2 Tbl canola oil

Whisk together dry ingredients. In a separate bowl whisk egg and sunbutter, add milk and oil and add to dry ingredients.

Linking up to:

Tasty Tuesday

Tempt My Tummy Tuesday


  1. this is exciting! glad they worked with sunbutter. did I know one of your kiddos has a nut allergy?

  2. Those are the thickest, fluffiest pancakes I have seen in a long time. My kids would flip over them.

  3. I haven't even heard of sun butter? Is it sunflower seeds?

  4. Sherry- Yep, it's made from sunflower seeds, tastes the same!

  5. Delicious thanks for sharing we used peanut butter though because I absolutely love it might try Nutell next time though


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