Mar 5, 2010


Ohhhhh I have been very, very bad with posting and I apologize. I have been so busy getting things ready as we leave TOMORROW!!!!! for Mexico. Seven days of warm, sandy beaches and yummy fruity drinks served by bulky tanned waiters......Sorry, got a little ahead of myself. I am looking forward to this time away, although feeling very guilty about leaving our kids:(

So, I will be back in 8 days or so and will post some pics and get back into regular posting mode!!!


  1. Have a wonderful time! And I'll try not to turn green (w/envy) while you're gone! lol

    Blessings from Ohio...Kim<><

  2. That sounds wonderful! I hope you have a great time!

  3. Hope you have a wonderful trip. Soak up some sun for me.


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