Dec 22, 2009

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

I have been so busy, that I haven't had a chance to write a post, so I want to say MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!! It has truly been an amazing year, and I look forward to what the New Year brings. I have also been blessed with meeting some truly amazing women on here. I have learned soooo many things from you ladies, and I can't wait to keep learning! Thank you!

Things are finally winding down here, yay! My gifts that I made are done, all are wrapped, house is clean and laundry is done. Now, remember this is all just for today, lol. Tomorrow will be more cleaning, laundry and wrapping, I'm sure:) We are supposed to get quite the snow storm here Christmas Eve and Day, up to 14 inches! What a wonderful Christmas present!!!

Have a very blessed Christmas, and I pray that God blesses you as much as you have blessed me!


  1. Cara,
    The SNOW sounds like an AWESOME Christmas gift...hope you and your family enjoy every inch of it:) Merry Christmas!


  2. Merry Christmas to you Cara! Your snow storm is coming our way, but it might be in the form of rain :). (I'm in the W. Michigan area).


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