Dec 9, 2009

Advent Calender

I decided to make an advent calender this year, after seeing Hattie's idea over at Little Red Roost. I wanted something for the kids to look forward to, and to be reading scripture everyday during advent. First, I used the link that Hattie gave to print out the scriptures for the tags. Then I used my handy-dandy (and ohhhhh so fun!) Cricut machine to cut out the tags.

I had some pretty Christmas scapbooking paper that I used to cover up the verse, and numbered the tags on the back, so we knew which day was which:)
I had an old red bucket that I had bought at an antique store, and went outside and picked some branches for the tree part. I keep the tags in a lovely little green oblong dish (another thrift store find!), and the girls take turns picking the tag to read. I also wrote out 24 fun things to do, and they each get to pick one/day. Some of them were just, spending time with Mom/Dad, coloring a Nativity picture, have a pedicure night with Mom, and other fun things.

Now, my great idea was that the girls would really start to understand Christmas more. Yes, they know it's Jesus' birth, and that Mary and Joseph were his parents, they know the whole story. But I wanted this to be more of a learning experience. However, as funny as kids are, what do you think they look more forward to, reading the scripture, or getting to pick the "fun thing" to do for the day. *sigh*. So, next year it will be more simple things, like, send a letter to a relative, do something random for someone else. Those kinds of things.
Hope you enjoy our Advent Calender!!


  1. This is a great idea! Especially as I'm looking for ideas to do the 24 days before Christmas, with my Advent calendar. Every night my husband and I say, "what are we going to do tonight for Advent"!

  2. Great idea, Kara - I'm sure it will be a special part of your kids' memories this year. We do something similar with tags and treats in the pockets of a homemade hanging that we made from scraps of old curtains, pillows, etc. I love using the bucket and branches!


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