Nov 13, 2009

Thanksgiving Traditions

Today is the first day of It's So Very Cheri's Thanksgiving Traditions party, and also a Thanksgiving party at the Bungalow and I wanted to make sure and post about some of my memories from Thanksgivings past:)
I absolutely LOVE this time of year, with fall weather hitting, Thanksgiving on it's way, and Christmas not too far behind. I know many people don't like this time of year because of all the craziness that the Holidays brings, but I savor every minute of it! Growing up, I remember "cooking" my Thanksgiving meal as my Mom was cooking hers. I had this little plastic turkey (that was actually my Mom's from when she was a little girl) that I would "cook", and I remember thoroughly enjoying putting my time in:) My turkey was probably a little tough tasting, but hey, I was only 5:)
When I was 8, we moved from Mn. to Ky. as my parents took on a missionary position there. We had never lived away from our extended family, but this would prove to be an amazing adventure! I remember how Mom would make each holiday sooooo special. Thanksgiving she would set up the card table in the living room, put out her best tablecloth and accessories and we would eat out meal there. We would always have the "normal" meal, turkey, stuffing, potatoes, corn and pie. But the best part was the jello. Mom made orange jello with cut up carrots and celery, and then she would place it on lettuce leaves (and you thought you had no entertaining talent, Mom!) to look fancy. I thought this was the bomb! Sooooo fancy! And if the thought of vegetables in your jello makes you want to gag, you HAVE to try it, it is really exceptional:) (In fact, that is what Mom will bring to our home for Thanksgiving)
And of course, what did we do the day after Thanksgiving?? No, no, shopping was NOT in the itinerary....
Putting up the Christmas tree!!!! That was almost as exciting as opening gifts Christmas morning. My Dad truly enjoyed getting tangled in Christmas lights and being poked by the tree branches (artificial, baby!). We would crank up the holiday music and decorate until we couldn't decorate anymore.
I have followed many of these same traditions, except my family won't eat the jello:( Suckers. The day after Thanksgiving, we turn on the fireplace, make some hot apple cider, and go to town. I LOVE every second of this, and I love how much my girls get into it. Yes, the Holidays can be very stressful, but if we remember the REAL reason why we are celebrating it, it truly is a magical time of year.


  1. My Dad never got into the tree thing and my hubby doesn't really enjoy it either. We used to cut down a real one but have done artifical the past few years. My kids love it though and I love how they take out ornaments and talk about how much they love those ornaments. I think 90% of the ornaments are their favorite for one reason or another.


  2. We always decorate our house for Christmas the day/weekend after Thanksgiving. It's a tradition I started with my girls years ago and have continued even though they are not little anymore. Your post was very touching and made me excited for the upcoming holiday season!

  3. I think it sounds like a lot of fun at your house in the holidays. :) I'll stop by. :) And I've had jello with veggies and agree ... it's the bomb!

    Glad to have had you stop by Come Have a Peace.


  4. Thank you for coming by and linking up to Sharing Thanksgiving. I enjoyed reading about your memories, but the jello....I don't know....

    "Remember the REAL reason why we are celebrating, it truly is a magical time of year." Wish we could all remember that!


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