Nov 20, 2009

Bar Stool Revamp!

I love to entertain, truly, truly looooooove to entertain. However, I feel myself go red in the face whenever someone pulls out a bar stool to sit on. They are u.g.l.y. Nasty stains from kids spilling and playdough encrusted. Yuck. So when I had Girls Gourmet Club last Saturday, I ran (okay drove) over to Crafts Direct to try and find some fabric that I could re-cover them with. Quickly. If you know me, then you know that I don't wait for things. If I want something, I buy it. Okay, within reason.

I happened to find a fabric for $4/yard. Good enough for me! I brought it home and had hubby help me re-cover these bad boys. I love the fabric, and it looks great, but now with it being so light I keep them covered with towels during the week because I KNOW they will have milk spilled on them, or frozen blueberries (did I mention that these are like a raging addiction for Alayna??!!) dropped on them. *sigh* My goal would be to sew (haha!! You see, I don't sew...) something that I could slip over the chair, and remove to wash. But I would have to actually learn how to use my sewing machine (yes you heard me correctly, I HAVE a machine, just don't know how to use it. Sad, I know). Maybe this should be my New Years resolution. Anyhow, this is how they turned out, LOVE the fabric, and I'll just get used to seeing towels on them, unless people come over:)


  1. Nice job, Cara! I'm in the same boat with the sewing machine. I have one, but have no clue how to use it. I dream of some day being a master seamstress...

  2. They turned out beautifully!!! I love the fabric. I totally understand about keeping them covered. That's why I have no cushions on my kitchen chairs, just wipeable wood.

  3. Those look fabulous. I love the fabric and the price.


  4. Great job! They look terrific :)


  5. great job on the bar stool! big difference!


  6. Oh so very pretty!! Your new fabric made all the difference! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Cara! You won my giveaway, email me so I can mail you your goodies! :)



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