Aug 24, 2009

Porch Makeover

I've been wanting to really give my porch more "umph", but didn't know how to shake it up. I had bought the red bench at a thrift store last year, had the birdhouse laying in the garage, and bought the egg crate at an antique store for $2. So when Brad's family decided to tear down the old barn (which is about 120? years old), my little started turning. However, once I got the stuff home I thought, what in the world will I do with it all??!! I had about 20 little pieces of wood, one long piece, about 10 feet long, and a the beautiful hayloft door that still had the hinges! I put that behind the red bench, added a wire basket that was white (I had the girls paint it black, but not too much) and kept the birdhouse there. I'm not sure if it's going to stay though. I loved how it looked, but still felt like it needed balancing out, too much red. I went down in the basement and found a small laundry style wicker basket that was a light wood. I brushed it with some black paint (which made it look worse, lol), and added pieces from and old swag that I took apart. With some added berries, I think it looked much better, I placed it under the bench.
I really love how it has transformed the look of the porch! I am linking up to Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch. There are a TON of great redos, and ideas! And don't forget Rhoda over at Southern Hospitality too! and Cheri at "It's So Very Cheri"
This weekend we were at my Dad's, it was great to see everyone, and Donna and I got some great deals garage saling! I found a box full of old glass bottles and bowls and things for $2, a small folding camping chair for Alayna for $1, a small lamp (you know my thing with lamps and candlesticks) for $2, some clothes, and my FAVORITE movie ever, "The Family Stone" for $1! It was a very successful run, lol!


  1. Thanks for posting to the KNOCK OFF KNOCK OUT party. Can you post my link to this post as well.

  2. I meant to add a comment about your porch-duhhhhh-these meds are making me think slow. Personally I think I would paint the bench black for contrast, then you can decise if you want to add anything else or if you like it as it is but that would help break up all the red and define the pieces.

  3. Porch Gonzo!!! What I like about it is that it looks like a family lives there and uses the porch. Or course, the family also like red. I hope folks can recycle more of the barn.

  4. Cheri - ACK, sorry for not linking, my bad:( I was thinking about that too, painting the bench. I'm still tinkering around with the decor of it, want to find more black accessories to accompany the red. Thanks for the suggestions!

  5. You certainly gave some umph! Looks great!

  6. Hi Cara!

    Welcome to the party! I just love the red on your porch! You did a welcoming vignette!!

    Stop by...

    love, kelee

  7. No problem on th elink. I know everyone has the same rules and the big blogs don't contact people to let them know they just remove them and I know it;s not ot be mean they just don't have time to contact everyone and for now I can contact people but eventually I won't be able to as well.


  8. It looks so Great! I love the little bench with the door behind it! Lovely display!

  9. Popping over from Southern Hospitality. Love the look of your porch! It looks fabulous!

  10. I like the red bench, especially since the house has red shutters.

  11. I love the red. I've been trying, very slowly, to add little bits of red here and there. :)

  12. wow! love this! the hayloft door makes the best background.


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