Aug 26, 2009

Outdoor Wednesday!

If you head on over to Southern Daydreamer you will find Outdoor Wednesday, how fun to look through every one's pics! I took these photos up at my Dad and Step Mom's last weekend. They have a fabulous yard full of flowers, plants, pretty much anything you could think of. I have a passion of photographing flowers and barns, there is so much beauty and mystery hiding in God's creation. I think I might blow this one up and frame it, beautiful!!


  1. It is a lovely photo. Quite worthy of being framed. I hope you are having a wonderful day.

  2. Hi Cara, I have you linked and ready for the Rooster Party on Friday. So glad you joined us and hope you have a wonderful time!

    Barb :-)

  3. I think it would look great framed!


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