Jul 21, 2009

And Time Goes On.....

Yikes, it's been awhile since I've written. With the fourth of July, vacation, and a death in the family, so much has gone on. We had a WONDERFUL vacation! The weather was perfect, the girls were perfect, it was truly one of those perfect vacations! We went to the lake Sunday the 5th through Thursday. Thursday night I had gotten Brad and I tickets to see the River Bats play. Afterwards we went to the Legion for a couple drinks, it was nice to just hang out with each other. Friday, Rachel and I went to Alexandria to do some antique shopping, we had such a blast! It's fun that she is at the age to enjoy that with me, although she couldn't quite understand why I would want to buy old used things, lol. Friday night Emma and Rachel went to Moms for the weekend for "cousins camp" so it was just Alayna for the weekend! I got my fill of playing Barbies:) (Also, we had bought an old Barbie house at an antique shop) All in all, fab vacation!

I was ready to get back to work though, I thrive on schedules, lol. It was long enough for me to miss all my little munchkins:)

Last Tuesday (the 14th) we lost my Grandma "Omi" (I *think* that name came from either me or Patrick who couldn't say Naomi). She had been ill for over a year, so it was truly a blessing. Although it doesn't make it much easier:( The visitation and funeral was so nice, it's always good to see everyone, and the kids had fun with their cousins. I was happy that one of the last times I was at their house when Grandma still lived there, I went through her recipes and took some in her handwriting. I would love to compile a cookbook with recipes from both Grandmas to pass down to my girls.

Speaking of cooking, I bought a new cookbook from Pampered Chef called, "29 Minutes Until Dinner". FABULOUS cookbook, fabulous!!! I have already made three recipes out of it, and each one was superb! Rachel has been helping me cook dinner at night, she does the chopping (yes Dad, with a knife!) and mixing, and of course loves it:) Tonight we are having "Ultimate Peppercorn Burgers", last night I made "Toasted Angel Hair Pasta with Sausage and Peppers" I think one will be a mega favorite of mine! Anyway, I HIGHLY recommend this cookbook!

I am including a picture that we were so excited to see, a DEER!!! In almost 4 years that we have lived here, the only deer I've seen was a few running in the woods next to our house the first winter we were here. We all enjoyed watching her!!

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