Jun 4, 2009

New computer!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am happy to announce the arrival of a new LAPTOP!!!!! This is horribly exciting for me, our computer was about 8 years old, maybe?? Not that old, but we were having sooo many problems with the hard drive. Brad went to Best Buy yesterday and bought me a laptop, a RED one! So I am once again a happy woman, I had become awfully crabby not having a computer for a week and a half. So back on I am:)

Life here has been crazy. Today is the last day of school for the girls, which I am excited and scared about. Excited that we don't have to abide by any schedule, and nervous to have so many kids here during the day, lol. It will be fine, just have to keep them busy. Next week I have Alayna and Emma signed up for a class at ROCORI called Giggle Gang. It's just basically and hour and a half of singing, crafts and fun stuff. I'm excited that they will be going to that. Then the next week Rachel will be in theater camp all week, and then on that Friday, (the 19th, dear Father and Stepmother:) will be the performance. This year they are doing Pinocchio! She's excited for that. Then of course there is softball (for Rach), and swimming lessons for both, and camper time. I'm looking forward to all of it:)

My wonderful Mother and Stepfather saved the day for me today by picking up Miss Alayna and heading to the camper overnight. As much as I love that child, lately she's been giving me a run for my money. So they decided to get her and take her to the lake for some Grandma/Grandpa time. I know she will have a blast, and it will be good for her to do something alone with them too.

Hopefully soon we will get the stuff transferred from our old hard drive to this computer, but I won't bet on when it will happen. Have a great week, and lets all pray for rain!!

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