Mar 24, 2009

The weekend

It was a busy, busy weekend! My brother came down from Fargo and he and my Mom and I drove down to southern Mn to visit the Grandparents. It was such a great time! We stayed in Waseca on Saturday with my Grandpa, and were able to visit my Grandma who is in the Waterville nursing home. She looked so good! She is very, very frail, and sleeps a lot. But she was fairly talkative and seemed to really enjoy seeing us. Patrick and I took turns filling Grandma in on the funny stuff our kids do, lol! Sunday we drove down to Blue Earth to have lunch with my Aunt and Uncle. She is the "queen" of entertaining (Mom says that's where I get my love of entertaining from!!). She made fettuccine alfredo, green beans with slivered almonds, a DELISH spinach salad with strawberries and mandarin oranges with a poppy seed dressing and for dessert she made a chocolate cake with a cream cheese filling. YUM! It was divine! I love the fact that when we go there, Jim is ready within seconds with a glass of wine for me!

After lunch we went to Winnebago to see our other Grandma who is in an assisted living there. She is doing fantastic and looks so awesome for being 92!!!! She just recently moved there, as she had been on her own. I think she was ready to have someone take care of her now, as she loves being there. Patrick and I are really blessed with having such fantastic Grandparents. We have sooo many wonderful memories with all of them:)

We headed out about 3:00, and what a long drive for Patrick, I think he drove a total of 6.5 hours that day. Yuck. He had brought the oldest two with him, and they stayed with Brad and the girls. They had a great weekend of bonding time!

It was a great weekend, you always feel good when you are able to visit a bunch of relatives in one weekend, lol! Hopefully the flooding won't be too horrible in the Fargo area, where Pat and his family is from. They are pretty safe where they live, but what a mess it is there:(

This week will be fairly quiet, which is nice. Especially with the weather being so dreary you don't much feel like going anywhere. Just sitting in front of the fireplace and reading or playing games sounds good to me!

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