Mar 21, 2009

Rachel's 8!!!

Ahh, how fast does time go by? I know we say this on a regular basis, but truly, it does. I can't believe that my little spitfire is now eight. It's so fun to see what type of person she is becoming, (although it's not so fun to hear the sass that comes from her, but oh well) and to see what her interests are. She loves, loves, loves animals. Especially the stuffed variety. I think she received 4 Webkinz animals for her birthday. She is soooo like I was! She has a queen size bed, but only sleep on one half because the other half is filled with animals! She loves to be outside, even in the winter, she'll be out for a couple hours playing in the snow, sledding and what not. And she LOVES science, the other night we were watching a show called, "Journey to Planet Earth" and she was our little documenter telling us which planets are first, and any exciting fact about them. Seriously, I didn't even know some of the stuff she was saying! She loves school, in fact she told me the other day how she wasn't looking forward to school being over with, lol! Her grades are awesome, and we are so proud of her!
For her party, we went ice skating. It was a BLAST! I'm not sure who had more fun, Brad and I or the girls! We skated for about an hour, which was long enough. Later that day we had Brad's family over to celebrate. She loved her cake! And I love making it:) When Spring rolls around, I become an obsessed woman, planning the girls' birthdays. I LOVE birthdays!

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