Dec 17, 2008

Homemade Christmas

I thought I would share some of the things we made for Christmas this year! I decided I would try my hand in making lip gloss and scrubs this year. The lip gloss was super easy, I bought the supplies from, which was just a tub of their lip gloss base. I should have used the tubes instead of pots, as the consistency is much more of a chap stick than lip gloss, oh well lesson learned. I flavored it with a cherry berry flavor oil that I got from the same place. I had waaaay too much oil leftover, so I made a sugar scrub also. That was 2 cups of sugar, oil (I used olive, because that was all I had on hand. next time I will buy some almond oil), and oil. You add the oil so it is the right consistency, and add several drops of oil. You could use any kind of essential oil, I'm going to make some lavender scrub next time. The I bought some cute little jars from crafts Direct and decorated them. They turned out super cute!!
For the daycare parents, we made potholders that have their hand print on one side, and the poem, "Big hands and little hands together make quick work" on the other side. The kids LOVE to paint! We also made ornaments (I got these at Crafts Direct too), just glass ones that the kids rubbed on a saying on the front, then filled the ornaments with these Styrofoam colored balls. These were adorable! We also made salt dough ornaments, stockings, hand print angels, reindeer (with their hand and footprints) and little manger ornaments. We've been busy! This is my favorite part of staying home though, getting to make these things with the kids:)

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