Sep 16, 2008

Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day

I am in love. Really. I am head over heels, butterflies in my stomach, in love. With whom, you say? This book. I loooove homemade bread, but it really takes a bit of time to mix, knead, rise, punch, and bake the dough. I bought this book last week, and have already made 4 loaves of bread!! The concept is simple, they give you several "master" recipes, which you mix up, and keep in a 5 quart container. After the initial rise, (no kneading required!!!!) you store the dough in the fridge. When you are ready to bake some bread, you cut a hunk of the dough off, let it rest for 40 minutes, and bake for 30 minutes. Last week I made the "Boule" recipe, which is more of your typical artisan bread dough. This week I have the "light whole wheat" recipe in the fridge. I made a couple loaves to take to "gourmet club" last weekend, and everyone couldn't believe it was homemade! I can't wait to try all the recipes. There is a bagel recipe, french bread, sweet rolls, flat breads, you name it! I think I should be paid for my advertising, I've already gotten three people to buy the book!!!


  1. Hi Cara, I'm Jeff Hertzberg, one of the co-authors of Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day. I'm so glad our recipes are working well for you, but I'm afraid we can't pay you for advertising us, even though we're incredibly grateful. Come visit us anytime at, where you can post questions into any "Comments" field, or click on "Bread Questions" on the left side of the homepage and choose among the options.

    Jeff Hertzberg

    Chicago tribune video:

  2. Hi Jeff! I was kidding with that comment! I am absolutely in love with your book though, and am so grateful to have these simple recipes so that my family can enjoy fresh bread! Thank you!!!

  3. Cara I've been making this bread for a couple of months now. How did I miss this back from 2008??? I was busy having my high-risk baby, so I could have easily overlooked a post on homemade bread. I love it too and have gotten my mom hooked. So neat Mr. Jeff Hertzberg commented on your blog!


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