Jun 24, 2008

Here we go.....

So I have decided to take the plunge and start my own blog. Big woop you say? Well, I'm kind of excited about my new endeavor. I am an obsessed food blogger reader, and have always wanted to do one of my own, but seriously, who has the time? Well, I am going to make the time. I'm excited to share some new recipes, our weekly meal plans, and some tips and tricks I've learned along the way. So, fasten your seatbelts, it's time to begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So here's a little background on me. I'm 33 years young, and have been blessed with a wonderful husband for almost 10 years, and three adorable, busy girls! Cooking good food, from scratch is a big thing for me. I am always finding better ways of making our favorite foods, like getting away from canned soups, making my own sauces, etc.

When Brad and I got married, I had NO CLUE how to cook. None. Zipp-O. What got me started was getting one of those recipe card club things in the mail. I signed up for them, and just started cooking from there. I felt so bad for Brad, because he came from a house where his mother cooked three full meals everyday plus dessert. Are you KIDDING me??!!! I could barely fry a flippin egg. So, 10 years later, I like to think of myself as a pretty darn good cook. I love to read cookbooks, in fact right now at the Library, I have "Joy of Cooking", and "Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day" on order. I'll let you know what I think of them. Getting my Taste of Home magazine in the mail is the highlight of my day!! I try to use new recipes at least once or twice a week. Sunday afternoons I usually sit down and make my menu for the week. This also includes breakfast and lunches, as I do daycare in my home.

So, for my first day of blogging, I am excited to share with you a very gourmet'y recipe that my family loves. Ready? It's a long one, so make sure you have a large peice of paper. Ok, here is is: Bubble Pizza. That's right. Good old fashioned tube biscuits with hamburger and pizza sauce. Extremely nutritious and easy:) Ok, so it's not one of my fave recipes, but in all honesty the kids love it. However, I did add pureed squash to the pizza sauce to get some nutrition in there. That's not quite so bad, right?!!

I promise that I do have some good recipes to share, but bear with me, I have 10 kids here during the day, I'm doing my best!!

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