How is it that July is almost over?? This summer has flown by, but I feel like we've enjoyed every part of it! This is the first summer ever that the girls have not done softball. I have very much enjoyed my evenings at home, not gonna lie.
And dare I say that I'm ready for school to start?? Actually, I think the girls are too, especially mouse.
What We're Eating This Week:
Monday was Ground Beef and Snow Pea Stirfry
Tuesday was Cheeseburger Biscuit Bake
Wednesday was Chili in the Instant Pot (we had a cool front come through, so chili was acceptable!)
Thursday will be leftovers and Friday we are gone
What I'm Reminiscing About:
How my itty bitty first born is now a senior in high school, ugh....
What I'm Loving:
The book "Body Love" by Kelly Leveque.

I seriously think she made this book just for me haha! Everything makes so much sense and I have enjoyed my healthy smoothie every morning this week and just feel so much better!
What We've been Up To:
Just over here summering. Going out on the boat, hanging out in our pool...
What I'm Dreading:
All the hustle and bustle with having a senior. We haven't done any college visits yet and of course everyone on Facebook has done like 4. Ugh. And the pictures? I need to try and organize all the pics from over the years...
What I'm Working On:
Last weekend I sat on the patio all morning and meal planned for the rest of the year. It feels so good to at least have a plan in place!
I also finished school supply shopping for all 3 girls and clothes shopping for Alayna. Feels so good to have that DONE!
What I'm Excited About:
We rented a cabin up north with 2 other families for a week. We cannot wait to go! Unfortunately I have to work that Thurs/Fri, but that also means I will be home alone for 2 days!
What I'm Watching/Reading:
We've been having the Hallmark channel on if the TV is on, it's s till their Christmas in July!! We love it! I am currently reading 2 books: PS I Love You and Living Danishly. Love them both! I also read Body Love in 24 hours. :)
What I'm Listening To:
Pandora still, I have my shuffle on Bluegrass, Fleetwood Mac and Country Pop
What I'm Doing This Weekend:
I surprised Brad on our anniversary with tickets to see Def Leppard/Journey on Friday night, we can't wait!
What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month:
A week at the cabin!