Me again! Aren't you impressed??!! I am. It's only by chance that I actually have time to write this. I know that everyone has their challenges, I really do, but I swear I don't know how some of these blog moms work full time with 3 kids and still manage to write a post
Here's a look into my week...
Brad left last Saturday for Canada goose hunting. It's funny how organized and scheduled I am when he's gone. I'm guessing because I know I don't have the extra help, haha!
Alayna and I were able to get outside Sunday and Monday nights for a walk/bike ride. It was nice to have her to myself.

Rachel had homecoming last week, love this pic of her and Taylor. They've been besties since 5th grade.

So let's see, what else is going on...
I have been getting up at 4:45 everyday to get a quick workout in on the treadmill. Prep supper so it's ready tp go when I get home Make the girls breakfast, get them to school and work from 8-4:30. Pick up Alayna at Grandmas, pick Rachel and Taylor up from practice, bring Taylor home.
I have been driving kids from practice/to games every night this week. On top of that, Emma came down with a virus and thankfully mom (love you!!!) was able to take her to the doctor to make sure it wasn't strep. Our dog Jasmine has something going on, she isn't eating and can hardly get up. I have to take her to the vet and am not sure how I am going to try and lug an 80 pound lab. Today I got a call from school that Rachel was having an allergic reaction to something, her eye was almost completely swollen shut.
Seriously, why does this stuff only happen when Brad's gone??? I'm exhausted.
Alayna needed me to print out pics for a project at school. I looked on my phone's camera and damn near died when I saw this snapchat pic she did!!

I love this life, don't get me wrong. We're just at a super busy stage, makes me appreciate the evening like tonight that I am home.
Rachel has a game in Brainerd and I didn't go. I felt bad, but it just wasn't happening with single parenting this week. Emma had a meet but didn't swim because I want her to get better. So it was just mouse and I. We ordered food for delivery, put up our Halloween decorations and played rummy. Exactly the kind of night I needed!!