Today is our sweet mouseys birthday! Grandpa Jerry gave Alayna the nickname "mouse" when she was about 2, because she was such a peanut, it has stuck with her ever since!
Alayna has been SUCH a joy to have in our lives! Now, I may not have felt this joyful back when she was 3 & 4, she may have been a slight (or major) pain in my behind. However, thankfully she grew out of that!

When I say our lives would be boring without her, that's a major understatement! Alayna is SO funny and has the best sense of humor, honestly, this kid cracks us up on a daily basis.
She loves her cousins to pieces and you will mostly find her with the babies. She is becoming quite the little volleyball player, and also plays softball and is in a hip hop class! She loves to be busy, some days I would love for her to want to lay down and nap with me, but she too busy for that, haha.

She loves to be outside whether it's shooting hoops, throwing the volleyball around or biking. Her and her cousin William are very close and love hanging out together playing legos or making Ninja Warrior courses outside.

Alayna, we love you SO much and hope that you have an amazing birthday!!