Linking up with Erica for another addition of Friday Favorites!
January has been an awesome month! We literally had every.single.weekend open! I seriously don't thing this has happened for a few years. Not kidding. We spent every weekend at home just hanging out and I loved it. This was me pretty much all weekend, haha! And being that we are on this diet which means no alcohol, we were typically in bed by 10 and up at 5 to watch a movie. I really enjoyed that!
Speaking of the Fast Metabolism Diet, Brad and I are on our last few days and I'm happy to say that I am down 7 pounds and Brad is down 14. I feel great and plan on continuing with my healthy eating.
We have been super busy during the week... Mondays Alayna has dance and Rachel has volleyball, Tuesdays Emma has piano, Wednesdays Rachel has volleyball and Thursdays Alayna has volleyball. Whew! No wonder I have enjoyed our quiet weekends!
Speaking of volleyball, mousey is LOVING it! And besides the fact that she is so tiny could perfectly fit in a volleyball bag, that girl can serve!!

Oh, and Rachel was practicing setting with a head of lettuce...never a dull moment in this house I tell ya!

Last weekend my sister and nephew came down to spend the weekend, and ohhhhhh how we loved snuggling him!! He is 4 months old and such a sweet babe.

Pure love!

Jasmine (our chocolate lab) has been up to her usual shenanigans...

And let me tell you the bodily functions she left behind almost got her kicked out of the house, ugh.
Tonight we are heading uptown for a fundraiser. Brian Klinefelter was a St. Joe cop who was shot and killed 20 years ago today. He was a very good friend of Brad's brother and I will never ever forget that night. It will be so fun to see everyone and hang out.
Sunday Rachel has her first tournament, and I am so ready to get back into watching volleyball!
Happy Friday!