Linking up with these ladies for another installment!
What we're Eating This Week:
It's been a NUTTY week, Rachel and Alayna have had VBS all week, Alayna had her last game (consolation champs!) and we have a birthday dinner with friends. Luckily I had prepped some meals last week so things would be easy. Sausage and mashed potatoes, tator tot hotdish and sandwiches!
What I'm Reminiscing About:
I think this is always the same answer, but my kids being little. My sister is due soon with her first, so lots of remembering those crazy awesome baby days!
What I'm Loving:
Our friends. We are so lucky to have such amazing friends. We just got some news last week about a friend of ours being diagnosed with colon cancer. The outpouring of love and support has been so cool to see.
What We've Been Up To:
VBS and softball. Rachel volunteered for VBS and Alayna has been attending, they both have really enjoyed it! Plus, Brad and I have gotten some one on one time with Emma, love that!
What I'm Dreading:
School starting. I really am not ready. I love our easy mornings and late nights, haha!
What I'm Working On:
Just trying to survive this crazy week!
What I'm Excited About:
We have some really fun cabin weekends coming up, 2 of them with friends and one with family, really looking forward to being lakeside!
What I'm Watching/Reading:
Currently I'm reading the book "Cold Black Earth", it's a really good murder mystery. I just started "Orange is the New Black" and I love it!
What I'm Listening To:
I am currently obsessed with Elle King. She has a KILLER amazing voice and would love to see her live.
What I'm Wearing:
Jeans and a boyfriend shirt from Old Navy, currently obsessed with those shirts.
What I'm Doing This Weekend:
We have no big plans, a family reunion on Saturday, but that's about it. This is our only open weekend in August!
What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month:
Not sure, I'm not ready to send my kiddos back to school and especially am NOT ready to send my oldest to high school, ugh...