Linking up this week for Five on Friday
1. It's HALLOWEEN! We are heading over to friends to eat pizza, trick or treat and hang out for a bit. It's gonna be cold, but lots o fun!
2. The 2 little's and I made monster cupcakes. Scary stuff.

Can you even imagine sitting like Alayna? Makes me knees quiver...
3. Tomorrow night we have our annual Halloween bus with a ton of our friends. It's a BLAST and this year we have a whole crew dressing up in Austin Powers characters.
Melissa and I are going to be the Japanese twins, and Mr. Zimmer is Austin Powers. Oh my word, I CAN'T WAIT!
4. I got a 6 mile run in last night which felt AWESOME! Hoping to get a 5 miler in sometimes tomorrow.
5. Is it sad that I am most looking forward to crappy Halloween candy??? Why do you think I got in a long run last night????
Have a fantastic (and safe) Halloween!