Another GORGEOUS weekend is over with, and it flew by! Saturday morning Brad and Rachel woke up at 3 am for duck opener. I hate the fact that I wake up too, but love knowing I get to sleep in...:)
It was a successful hunt with 28 birds shot. Love having my fridge full of duck breasts....not. We did make duck sausage this year with all the ducks from last year, and it actually turned out pretty good!

I got a quick 2 mile run in Saturday morning, the other two girls were at friends overnight, so I was home alone! I went for speed, instead of mileage and did 2 miles in 19 minutes, pretty stoked about that, since I'm such a slow runner:).

Saturday afternoon we headed down to the cities to watch the Minnesota Gopher women's volleyball team play Penn State. These girls are AMAZING to watch! It was a ton of fun hanging out with these girls and their parents, despite the fact it was like 90 degrees in the building...uff da.
Sunday morning it was just Rachel and I again (the other two were at a different friends house overnight...these kids are more social than us...) and it was nice to hang out with her. Some of our best talks are in the car. We talked about everything from church to school to friends to alcohol. We covered a lot! We ran a bunch of errands and then picked the other two up and brought an extra one home with us.
We went to the Millstream Arts Festival in town, it was gorgeous and HOT! Within 2 minutes I had two of my kids whining about the heat and needing water. Almost lost my shit. Needless to say we didn't stay too long and then headed over to friends to watch the Viking's game.
We got home around 7:00 and about 15 minutes after we got home, I seriously thought we had left Alayna, because she was no where to be found...

Yup, that's the kind of weekend she had!