I can't believe another Christmas has come and gone...Even with how busy we were, I really feel like we soaked in every minute of the season. I don't think there is a Christmas movie we haven't watched! I have thoroughly enjoyed every movie, song, craft, goodies and cocktails to the fullest! I also would have to say that we really enjoyed our nightly devotionals with the girls too. I have a great book called The ADVENTure of Christmas. Each devotional talks about a different Christmas tradition and how we can relate it to Christ's birth. It's really quite interesting, and the girls look forward to it. We also read a few sentences every night from Mathew that talks about Jesus' birth. We may not be a weekly church going family, but we try to incorporate family devotions every night.
We did lots of entertaining this year, which I love! We were supposed to have Brad's family over for Christmas Eve, but mousey had gotten a stomach bug last weekend, and with our nephew having heart surgery a couple weeks ago, we decided not to take a chance and spread the germs, so we had it at his mom and dads. It all worked out!
Christmas Eve morning was a bit of a disaster...I could not find the gift I had gotten Brad from the girls. I STILL cannot figure out where I hid that damn thing...So naturally I was in tears. THEN, Brad proceeds to tell me that he cannot remember where he put Emma's big gift from Santa, a phone. UGH! We spent about 3 hours searching for that, and thankfully found it! Stressful, I tell ya...
We headed over to the farm at around 1:00. I brought my sweet and sour meatballs that I bring every year. Everybody brings some sort of an appetizer, works out great! This year instead of drawing adult names, we decided to do white elephant gifts. Not stupid, crappy gifts though, something you would want to get. For my girl gift I bought a Bath and Body works foaming soap, a car freshener clip with an air freshener, a cinnamon scented candle and some body wash. Brad gave a package of beef sticks/summer sausage and a couple lottery tickets. We did the dice game to see who got what gifts and it was a blast! I ended up with 2 wine glasses and a bottle of wine, and Brad got a bottle of Captain Morgan and a Tervis Twins glass, perfect!
We got home around 7 and then opened our gifts with the girls. We got them each a pair of jammies and a shirt or outfit. Everything else comes the next morning from Santa. The girls exchanged gifts too, lots of fun! Then we watched part of Christmas Vacation and the girls headed to bed. They all sleep in the same room and load up with movies, toys and books for when they get up early. Our rule is that you cannot come downstairs until 6:00!
I think everyone was happy with what they got! Emma got a phone, Rachel got an Iphone and Alayna's favorite gift was with this mixing stand that you can make real food with, or her Fur Real Panda.
Rachel and her Iphone. She was overjoyed with that damn thing...
I didn't get a pic of Emma, I am always SO bad with taking pics Christmas morning.
I got an Erin Condren Planner, and LOOOOOOVE it! I especially love the quote Brad put on it. :)
I also got a Ninja blender and a running tank that says, "I Don't Sweat, I Sparkle"!
Brad got two Tervis cups from the girls, and then a weather station that has not been found yet...
We did manage to get a quick pic of them Christmas morning though! And I had to get a pic of the last day of Billy the elf...he wrapped up the tree, and was found hanging over the curtain rod. Crazy elf!
Hope you all had a WONDERFUL Christmas!