Ok, so my picture taking skills are something to be desired, but I had to get pics of this morning. We have these two sand hill cranes that come every spring and graze in the pasture. The kids love to watch them, and you will often find them screeching back when the cranes squawk (not sure what noise you call it...). So this morning Alayna was pretty excited when she spotted them, "MOM! LOOK!!! My friends came back!" I asked her (to be funny) what their names were. "Marta and Suzy!" Say what??
May 25, 2011
Marta and Suzy
May 20, 2011
Salted Caramel Cupcakes
Sick of me yet? Liar. I think I have posted more in the past four days than I have in the past four months! I am anxious to show you what I've been up to lately....
So, as you can see in the previous posts, my girls' birthdays run March, April and May. Basically starting in February I become this crazy, blubbering, cross eyed fool searching for the coolest birthday party ideas. Now, remember that everyone is different, and everyone becomes obsessed about different things. My craziness is making my girls' cakes. I could not imagine buying a cake, it just wouldn't suffice.
However, since dealing with my crazy skin "thing" the past several months, birthdays had to be modified jiiiiiist a titch. For Rachel's birthday I bought cupcakes. I couldn't even fathom the energy of making a cake. By the time Emma's birthday came around, I was feeling tons better, so I was on the lookout for some incredible, cool looking cupcakes. Enter Martha Stewart. Now, I know some people have boycotted her since her whole scam situation, buuut, who am I to judge? I love her ideas, recipes, and pretty much anything she does.
I found these delicious vanilla cupcakes on her website that were D.I.V.I.N.E. Seriously people, these were the cupcakes that make you grab one and run into a closet to devour.
Next on my list was finding a salted caramel topping and filling. Enter Sprinkle Bakes blog. I used her recipe for the filling, buttercream frosting, and the sugar candy.
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May 19, 2011
So I have been on a MAJOR redecorating kick lately. (well, more like the past few months) So far I have redone Rachel's room, master bedroom and master bath. So my next venture is our entryway. I don't have a lot of space to work with, but I wanted something different. There used to be a fake pine tree (or as Brad calls it, the year round Christmas tree:) here in the corner. The daycare kids and I would decorate it for every holiday which was fun, but after 5 years, I was ready for something different. I have been on the lookout for a small-ish bench to put here, but was having no luck. At our local antique store, I came across this old stadium chair.
May 18, 2011
Alayna, Alayna, Alayna
My sweet baby Alayna turned 5 (yes I said FIVE) on May 2. I honestly cannot believe that it has been 5 years since she arrived. I know every parent says that, but truly it feels like it's been a couple years. (although some days it feels like twenty, just sayin...) She has been such a wonderful addition to our family, her goofiness, humor and energy keeps us on our toes!
Technology, Hmmmmph!
I am one that would truly die a slow, very painful death if I did not have my computer. Being a daycare mom at home, with 8 children, all day long, the internet is my "social" time. So, not having the computer work for a week was pure hell for me. Thankfully I have a computer techy daycare dad that helped us out. Unfortunately I still couldn't post anything on my blog, grrr. Today I figured it out and am so happy to be able to post again! I can't wait to show you what I bought for my entry way, and other little "newbies" in my home.
May 15, 2011
All About Emma
Ohhhh, my sweet Emma Jo turned 8 on April 23rd (yes, I am a *bit* behind on blogging, ok?) and I'm pretty sure I heard to diva gods calling her name. *sigh* This girl is 100% a girly girl. To.The.Bone. The morning Prince Will and Kate married, Emma proclaimed that at least the US has a princess. And it's her. Yep, that girl's got it, I tell ya!
Emma loves anything that involves pink, glam and glitter. Oh, and cat walks. She has a beautiful singing voice, and loves to make up her own songs ( and they even rhyme!). Her newest venture is playing piano, although she's never had lessons, she can sit and pick out tunes on her own. She loves drawing, and anything crafty. I love seeing how my girls can craft, or see something old and think of a way to redo it! She is a very sensitive one that has taken some getting used to for me, haha! Although she can be a MAJOR drama queen, Emma is a lover of all things, and loves making people happy.
For Emma's birthday we took a group of her girlfriends to our local skating rink and got our groove on! I think mama might have had more fun than the girls.....
I decided to make cupcakes instead of trying to transport a cake in my vehicle. I made Martha Stewarts vanilla cupcakes with a salted caramel filling and a caramel buttercream frosting. Umm ya, they were good. I used suckers for the flower and laffy taffy for the leaves. Emma and her best friend Emma helped put them together.
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