In other news, is anyone else in disbelief that the summer is more than half over? Good gravy gertrude. Although I do feel like we've accomplished a lot this summer, I still can't figure out where it went. Although July has been the busiest month for us with softball, swimming lessons and some summer rec classes for the girls.
*My* biggest accomplishment has been in the fitness area. I have decided to really start running, and not the run-half a mile-on-my-treadmill-twice-a-week deal that I was doing. I want to run a 5K this fall, and my endurance SUCKS. Period. So, I have been running a mile to a mile and a half 6 days a week for two weeks now. I feel soooooo good, and can already see the difference in how my clothes feel. Man does THAT feel good! Now, I am a thin person by nature, but I have good ole birthin hips and thighs. I am tired of see it wiggle just a weeee bit too much. So, I hope to keep this up, but don't expect to see me at the Boston Marathon anytime soon:)