I can't believe the season of Lent is already upon us. I love this time of year, as it really forces me to slow down, and reflect on what Lent is really about. Every year I ponder on what to give up (although I think "giving up" something is technically a Catholic thing) as I feel it is important to
sacrifice something you love in honor of Jesus' sacrifices for us.
Last year I reluctantly gave up chocolate. I know , I know, you're all thinking ARE YOU STUPID??!! I heard that a lot. But, wasn't that the point? To give up something you love? Absolutely, but I do feel that there are exceptions to that rule, first one being that nothing should be gained for giving something up. Yes, that's right, gained. I gained 8 pounds giving up chocolate, mainly because I would eat any and everything else that was sweet. *sigh*.
This year I decided to give up
ACK!!! I love
Facebook, it is my "social hour" for me, when the kids are napping (and early in the morning, and when the kids are in bed,
lol). I don't play any of the games, I just like seeing what everyone is up to. I have also decided to stay off the computer a little more. I think that checking out
everyone's blogs and ideas just overwhelm me, I see all these cool projects that I want to do, and then get overwhelmed because I want to do them all! I am still going to check out
everyone's posts, and will still be posting myself, but I am going to limit my time.
Yesterday I spent an hour reading the Bible, and felt so good about that. Now if I could just keep this going all year round instead of once a year. Wouldn't that be wonderful??!! And I'm sorry, but whomever said that doing something for 21 days becomes a habit is full of beans. Living without chocolate for 40 days just made me want it more!
So, with all of that, my prayer for each of you is that you would take some time to reflect on this special time of year and really take the time to
sloooooow down.
Much love,